
The Best Part of Love

By Susan M. Wamuyu
To some people, the word love might mean honesty, care and faith, while to others; it may mean pain, betrayal and death. To me, love is all about that inner feeling of loneliness, fear and desire to make your partner understand how you feel.

When you meet someone, it all begins like a joke, a fantasy, a feeling that you can’t explain. You start seeing yourself happy, and expecting a lot of fulfillment from your partner. The irony is, the partners expect a lot from each other and yet, they give less themselves.

As the relationship begins, the girl starts seeing herself in a wedding dress, smiling…walking down the aisle, to meet her prince charming. On the other hand, the man imagines how the beautiful lady will look like when she is stripped!

Why can’t love be a give and not a take relationship? Why can’t the lady and the man love without expectations? Am really trying to understand, though my conviction is the best part of love is when you are hurt.

With great love, comes great pain. How many couples do you see staying together for long except those few cases where couples live happily together until death do them part.

The point is, when your partner starts saying the wrong things, doing the wrong things, seeing the wrong people, going to the wrong places, it hurts. It really hurts. You start convincing yourself they will change. You hope things will be the same again.

Hurt becomes the best part of love. This is because, the impatient become patient, the unforgiving learn to forgive, those without hope start hoping and those who do not pray start praying.

A true lover learns to be patient until their partner is loving again; he learns to forgive them for being wrong in many ways. A true lover hopes that their love will surpass all ordeals and prays to God to strengthen their relationship and make it a holy one.

For those who have ever loved and were hurt, take courage for hurt is the best part of love. Thank God for you met someone you could love as much as you love yourself or more. For those who are still in love, remember patience, forgiveness, hope and prayer are the bonds of true love.

And, to my brothers and sisters who have never fallen in love, don’t hurry for love. Don’t ask about it, don’t look for it, worry not, for assuredly, love will find you wherever you are!


  1. love really hurts. it really hurts. not just love but emotional attachment to someone. ask me tukichekina. Josh

  2. True love is with great pain but the best part of making love work is to know that there's someone who you can share the pain with and endure it in the long run.Thats happiness,to be able to make it through pain when someone stands by your side.
    Love could be a lot of things but all in all its endurance and understanding.

  3. I think hurts in relationships can bring the couple even more closer if dealt with correctly. However, when a relationship becomes a source of endless hurt its time to say enough is enough. A relationship should be able to add value to both couples life's. Hurt is an integral part of human relationships and should be appreciated as such. I agree with this writer that hurt can be the best part of a relationship.


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