

To some people a role model may mean a mentor, to others it may mean someone they look upon; to others it means someone who spends on them. But to me it simply meant my mother, the only woman who has never left me, the one who is always there for me, my counselor when am lost, my protector, the only one who stands by me when the world declares me to be ‘terminated’, not to forget the one who sacrifices her joys to fulfill mine.

Before I met Dr.Monica Kibita, a Senior lecturer at Makerere University, that was my definition of a role model, if anyone would have asked me, who is your role model, I will simply reply, “my mother”. But after joining Makerere University, the first person I met and admired is this sophisticated woman, I looked forward to her lectures which could not be described as boring but rather interesting, each day I learnt something new from her.

She would teach us and give us a chance to ask questions, she will always encourage us to be aware of the politics of our countries right from the past. This is the time that I learnt a role model can be anybody; it can be your mother, your brother, sister, friend or even a stranger as long as they have touched our lives in one or two ways, as long as they have done something to make us admire to be like them.

Another woman who has taught me to have different meanings of a role model is Dr. Nassanga Gorreti, also a Senior lecturer at Makerere University, Always serious when she is teaching but makes sure students understand and ask questions incase they have not understood. She has encouraged us to always write and as Mass communication students to always be aware of contemporary issues in our society.

This two women have also unknowingly, taught me that a mother is not only the one who gave birth to you, but someone who helps you to grow up to be a decent person always, a person who sets for us an example and we willingly follow. Most of the students in The Mass communication Department can be heard saying, “Dr. Kibita and Nassanga are strict but the best, because they treat us like their children.”

This does not mean that I have stopped viewing my mum as my role model, it simply means that as am Graduating from Makerere University come 2011, I am a lucky person because I will be having more than one mother and more than one role model.

Because, I have mentioned the two lecturers from Makerere University, Mass Communication Department, it does not mean that other lecturers are any less or I do not appreciate them, different lecturers are different role models to different students, this depends on the different interests of the students.

Lecturers like, Dr. George Lugalambi, Mr. Musoke David, Mr. Zikusoka Amos and Mrs. Harriet Ssebana, are also an inspiration to many Mass Communication students, including myself. Their endless efforts to mold us to be the best in our profession can not be left unmentioned or unappreciated.

I wish the outside world from school has some women who can live to impress others, for I plan on being like my role models or better.

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